Questions & Dispatch: 801-726-9942
Pickup Location: (Please Do Not Mail Anything to This Address)
1510 E. 4200 N.
Layton, UT 84041
(Navigating to this address does not work well. You can navigate to "Evergreen Soils & Recycling" or use the directions below)
*** NOTE ***
Go to old Davis County Landfill entrance and turn north on gravel road just before landfill entrance. You cannot see our facility from the main road. Turn left at the sign. It is a mile up and over the gravel road.
From I-15
Take the Layton – UT-193, 700 S Exit (#334) onto 193. Head east along 193 for approximately 4 miles. You will pass the HW 193 and Fairfield road intersection. You will take a left onto North Hills Drive (the turn is across the street from Dairy Queen & Subway and next to comfort solutions). Follow the road around as it winds to the right and then left. After passing the sun hills golf course entrance on your left, our entrance is the next left. You will see our sign, turn left at the sign and continue for about a mile up the dirt road.
From Highway 89:
Take the Hill Air Force Base Exit (#404) onto 193. Head west along 193 until passing Walmart Neighborhood Market on your left, you will turn right on to North Hills Drive (the turn is across the street from dairy queen & subway on the left and next to comfort solutions). Follow the road around as it winds to the right and then left. After passing the sun hills golf course entrance on your left, our entrance is the next left. You will see our sign, turn left at the sign and continue for about a mile up the dirt road.
Spring/Summer Hours:
7:30 am - 5:30 pm ​
Saturday: 8:00-1:00
Sunday: CLOSED
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1485, Layton, UT 84041